Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Media Log #13- Audi 2012 Vampire Commercial

O man, another vampire parody of some sort. In my opinion, the vampire "world" I guess you would say is way overused in the movie and commerical industry. The Twilight Series with Kristen Stewart, Rob Patterson, and Taylor Launter was enough for me. Don't get me wrong I am definitely a Twi-hard fan but then that dump movie "Vampires Suck" movie was released and then the new series The Vampire Diaries on the CW premiered and vampire this and vampire that. The idea got kind of old after a while. And now after seeing this commerical I thought wow has it relaly come this far that now advertisements such as car commericals are deciding to use the whole vampire concept to attract people to buy their product? That's a bit much. But this is only one girl's opinion here and maybe it has worked on the rest of the world. Who knows. Anyway, I guess it was a clever idea to use vampires in the commerical because Breaking Dawn Part One just came out recently and as most people know it is part of the imfamous vampire Twilight Series.  This commercial uses the ad technique Plain Folks suggesting that thens young adults are average people just at a typical collage party. I am guessing many college people or older around early 20s to late 20s can relate and have been to a party similar to the one on the screen... except for the whole vampire thing. The advertisers are targeting this age group, suggesting that you should buy this Audi because cool people who go to parties drive this car. It also uses Avante Garde making its product ahead of the times with its new headlights that is a bright as the sun, making vampires disappear with they walk in front of it? Of all the features in a car, they choose headlights to advertise and hype up. That is a bit strange, but ok. It uses the basic appeals of need for attention because with this new Audi and its "bright as the sun" headlights you will stand out from the crowd and everyone will look at me and my cool car. Overall, I thought this commercial was beyond cheesy, and the whole vampire concept is yesterday's news. 

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