Friday, June 8, 2012

Media Reflection

Media is everywhere these days and has made a huge impact on our lives, my life including, for the good and bad. In a way, media has shaped our lives, telling us what is right or wrong, good or bad, pretty or ugly, hacking into our brains and tampering with our feelings and emotions. Through trickery and persuasion, many advertisers have used our igorance to their advantage to get us to buy their product. Keeping in mind that only certain product appeal to specific people, it is up to the advertisers to figure out where to properly place their ads. It is quite interesting to see how creative the media can get. Sometimes, it is quite impressive how persuasive an advertisement can but, but other times they could just be plain cheesy. As for me, bright colors and catchy music that fits the situation or product, humorous as well as heart-warming commercials, and I am ashamed to say fancified words, now known as Weasel Words, attract my attention. Before taking this class, I was one of those, falling for their conniving methods to suck the audience into buying whatever product they are trying to promote. Unaware of the common techniques used in much of advertising seen everywhere, I just believed whatever media itself said. But after learning of the clever techniques advertisers use and certain needs they appeal to, I am now much more acquainted with the deceiving ways of media. By creating this Media Blog to analyze media I see all around me, I was better able to examine with more detail, focus, and precision. It helped me better understand the usage of techniques and appeal to needs, and exactly why advertisers did it. Through this entire class as a whole, I was able to fully understand media. Media literacy is important because t helps you decide whether or not it is actually telling the truth and whether or not you want to "fall" for their pitch for you to buy their product. Now, whenever I see a commercial on TV or an advertisement in one of my magazines, I first analyze what it is exactly trying to sell, going into depth on the advertisement itself, and then choose to act upon it and remember to go try that fantastic new product I just read or heard about, or push it aside and move on. It is important to be an educated consumer because it allows to you put a limit on how many ads you wish to believe and know with the knowledge of the common techniques used and appeal to the emotions, you are able to stop yourself from falling for those pointless ads that want you to get sucked into a product that is not worth your time. Before, I knew little of how advertising really worked as well as how much of it a really consume a day. I use to think I would only see maybe four or five ads a day here and there, but in reality it was said that a teenager like me consumes 3,000 commercials and ads a day, most unconsciously. That’s crazy! I asked myself, am I really that oblivious? I didn't even know I could "see" that much. After hearing that shocking number, it made me realize just how much media is in our daily lives, and even if you wanted to escape it, it is likely you wouldn't be able to. Just like technology, media is here to stay, and it does have its benefits, but sometimes I just wish there was an OFF button so I could just, for once, have a thought for myself.

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Media Log #14- Stride: A Little Bit Epic Commerical

Wow, so just by chewing this Stride gum, some cute girl, or guy in my case, I have had a crush in ages will finally notice me and say hi?! OMG. Maybe this is "a little bit epic" or maybe this is just a commerical trying to make you think it can do all that stuff, when in reality its just a tiny stick of chewing stuff that is mostly only needed for when you have bad breath or just need something to chew, so shouldn't the advertisers be focusing on that instead of the things a gum can possibly, highly unlikely though, can do? These days, commercials are getting crazier and stranger by the second. It does a good job of using Wit and Humor, becuase it did make me laugh, but after seeing it once through it probably won't be funny anymore. It also uses Simple Solutions because before chewing this gum you are a sad sack who doesn't have the confidence to do much anything, but with this new Stride gum you can do anything, even talk to that girl you liked since forever ago. It also uses the basic appeals of need for attention, because with this gum you can stand out and be noticed. I noticed int eh commerical that the colors were very gloomy or plain except for the green Stride gum packet. They do that on pursoe to make their product stand out. It also has two average people with a guy at a coffee shop around mid-20s sitting down for coffee with more normal people around him, which msot anyone his age has had an experience similar to that. Overall, this commercial, although it was funny once, did not make a lasting impression on me.

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Media Log #13- Audi 2012 Vampire Commercial

O man, another vampire parody of some sort. In my opinion, the vampire "world" I guess you would say is way overused in the movie and commerical industry. The Twilight Series with Kristen Stewart, Rob Patterson, and Taylor Launter was enough for me. Don't get me wrong I am definitely a Twi-hard fan but then that dump movie "Vampires Suck" movie was released and then the new series The Vampire Diaries on the CW premiered and vampire this and vampire that. The idea got kind of old after a while. And now after seeing this commerical I thought wow has it relaly come this far that now advertisements such as car commericals are deciding to use the whole vampire concept to attract people to buy their product? That's a bit much. But this is only one girl's opinion here and maybe it has worked on the rest of the world. Who knows. Anyway, I guess it was a clever idea to use vampires in the commerical because Breaking Dawn Part One just came out recently and as most people know it is part of the imfamous vampire Twilight Series.  This commercial uses the ad technique Plain Folks suggesting that thens young adults are average people just at a typical collage party. I am guessing many college people or older around early 20s to late 20s can relate and have been to a party similar to the one on the screen... except for the whole vampire thing. The advertisers are targeting this age group, suggesting that you should buy this Audi because cool people who go to parties drive this car. It also uses Avante Garde making its product ahead of the times with its new headlights that is a bright as the sun, making vampires disappear with they walk in front of it? Of all the features in a car, they choose headlights to advertise and hype up. That is a bit strange, but ok. It uses the basic appeals of need for attention because with this new Audi and its "bright as the sun" headlights you will stand out from the crowd and everyone will look at me and my cool car. Overall, I thought this commercial was beyond cheesy, and the whole vampire concept is yesterday's news. 

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Media Log #12- Biore Blemish Fighting Ice Cleanser 5/29/2012

Yuck!! What is on her face?! That was my first inpression when I saw this ad while flipping through my Seventeen Magazine. So intriuged by the piture, I had to find out what the ad was really trying to sell. It also made me wonder, does my face really look like that when I don't wash it? Gross!? This ad is targeting teenage girls who struggle with acne and break outs. This uses Simple Solutions because no girl wants their face looking like the right side of that girl's face on the advertisement, so to solve that problem you buy Biore Blemish Fighting Ice Cleaser. It says "When you clean your face, be sure to get it really clean." And that is a good definition of "really" clean indicating the left blemish-free clean side of her face compared to the right dirt-covered side. It also incorperates their signature colors that are always found on the dispenser and the green colored typing coordinates with their green colored dispenser as well. It uses the basic appeal of physiological needs of the need to have clear clean skin. It also covers the need to achieve, when you buy this product you can achieve clean blemish-free skin. It may be a bit of an exaggeration when it is trying to show that your face is this dirty if don't wash it with the correct cleanser, but it really makes me believe that Biore Ice Cleaser is the only solution to that problem. This ad really caught my eye and actually has convinced me to buy their product and one point in time in the past... which found didn't work for me. But still great advertisement!

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Media Log #11- World of Red Bull Commercial 5/29/2012

The target audience for this Red Bull Commercial would be young male adults ranging from teens to mid-20s. This is the age where normally people tend to form big dreams of becoming the next best break-dancer or skate park champion or NBA star, etc. Everyone has aspirations and dreams to fufill and this commerical is trying to sned the message to "Go make you dreams become reality" and then somehow incoorperating Red Bull along with it. I guess when you drink a Red Bull it will somehow "give you wings" to do everything that you've always wanted to become. It will give you the courage and strength to reach for the stars and achieve the unthinkable because with Red Bull, anything is possible. This commercial seemed very inspirational and uplifting. I noticed that even though they only mentioned Red Bull at the very end of the video, there were subtle close ups of their logo like on the bottom of the skateboard, or on him sweat band, or in the background when the guys were playing hoops on the court. This commercial really had nothing to do with Red Bull itself, it was just very appealing because it was so inspiring it sent chills down my spine. It uses Testimonial because it has Blake Griffin in the commercial trying to say that he drinks Red Bull and that is what "makes him wake up every morning with a passion." It also uses Plain Folks because every ordinary person has a dream, they just need to make that dream reality... with Red Bull. It uses the basic appeal of need for attention because with this product it will allow you to stand out from the cowd and be your own unique individual who can achieve anything. There is a huge assumption that their audience will know who the famous people were in the commercial and anyone would love to become a rockstar, or basketball star or a successful DJ. I have to give props for creating a very inspirational commercial but when I think of Red Bull, I think of an energy drink I should stay away from because it will probably make me be jumping off the walls acting crazy and insane... that is what sugar does to me. Plus, caffine is bad, but that is just one girls perspective on Red Bull. 

Media Log #10- Skechers GO RUN Commercial 5/29/2012

Cutest Commercial! I think the target audience for this Sketchers commerical is young adults in their mid-20s to early 30s and even as young as teens my age. Sketchers are the ones to copycat every trendy design out there that is the new "in style" and with this new shoe design, it seems they are trying to make it look like the Nike running shoes that most everyone wears. I am not sure if they were trying to use Snob Appeal in this advertisement to attract upper-class Americans by having the scene take place at a horse race with British accents where you would only seen stuck up rich people going to bet on which horse would win first place. It definitely uses Wit and Humor when "Mr. Quiggly" is seen strutting to the start line in his sneakers, and then moon walks to the finish line. Even the name "Mr. Quiggly" is humorous, and its even cuter because that is a very suitable name for that certain type of dog, a Pug. Everyone roots for the underdog, and when this dog actually wins, all while wearing the new Sketchers GO RUN shoes, the crowd goes wild. Sketchers is trying to make the audience associate these shoes with speed and the idea that "If you wear these shoes, you will be extremely fast like this dog on the tv screen." This commercial uses the basic appeal of need for attention, because if you wear these shoes you will stand out in the crowd and everyone will cheer you on. There is an assumption that people like to be fast and speedy, and like to win first place. There is also an assupmtion that everyone will understand that it is a play off of a horse race but with dogs. Overall, I thought this was a successful commercial that definitely caught my attention.

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Media Log #9- Volkswagen Commercial Safety Sacrifice 5/22/12

The target audience for this commercial is for middle-aged mothers who have teenage daughters. Many mothers can closely relate to this situation where their teenage daughter has a boyfriend who drives a very unsafe looking car and you are scared she may get in an accident because there is an assumption that teenagers are careless. This commercial uses the advertising technique of Plain Folks, suggesting that the people are in are an average family just like any other middle-class family. It also uses Simple Solutions suggesting that "if you buy this Volkswagen, your child will be safe from harm." Leading to the appeals used in this advertisement which is need to nurture, because there is a motherly figure in this ad wanting to protect her daughter from the dangers of the road and need to feel safe because with this Volkswagen her daughter will be protected from harm. It also uses Wit and Humor because in the beginning when you see a mother in nice work clothes coming out of a grocery store and getting into a green beat up sports car with music that most women her age do not listen to, you laugh at the scene wondering why something so out of the ordinary is happening. If you notice, the mother is wearing glasses, suggesting she is smart and always thinking about her daughter's safety, only considering the best for her. Overall, I liked this commercial and I think that did a great job of appealing to the targeted audience.