Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Media Log #9- Volkswagen Commercial Safety Sacrifice 5/22/12

The target audience for this commercial is for middle-aged mothers who have teenage daughters. Many mothers can closely relate to this situation where their teenage daughter has a boyfriend who drives a very unsafe looking car and you are scared she may get in an accident because there is an assumption that teenagers are careless. This commercial uses the advertising technique of Plain Folks, suggesting that the people are in are an average family just like any other middle-class family. It also uses Simple Solutions suggesting that "if you buy this Volkswagen, your child will be safe from harm." Leading to the appeals used in this advertisement which is need to nurture, because there is a motherly figure in this ad wanting to protect her daughter from the dangers of the road and need to feel safe because with this Volkswagen her daughter will be protected from harm. It also uses Wit and Humor because in the beginning when you see a mother in nice work clothes coming out of a grocery store and getting into a green beat up sports car with music that most women her age do not listen to, you laugh at the scene wondering why something so out of the ordinary is happening. If you notice, the mother is wearing glasses, suggesting she is smart and always thinking about her daughter's safety, only considering the best for her. Overall, I liked this commercial and I think that did a great job of appealing to the targeted audience.

1 comment:

  1. This ad really connects with parents with teenagers who are sixteen or older. Mothers and fathers are always very concerned when it comes to the age where teenagers start to drive because of all the bad things that could happen while on the road. As a teenager who drives, I understand how my mom feels and how this relates to her wanting me to always be safe on the road. The "need to feel safe" is used in this ad because its saying that with this Volkswagen you will be safer than in other cars. I also see the technique of Plain Folks, because this shows an average family, and a situation that happens to them. This ad was successful because it really connected to those worried parents about their kids driving, but now there is no need, just buy your kid a Volkswagen and they will be safe!
