Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Media Log #7- Hallo Commercial 5/15/12

First off, this isn't even an official commercial that has premiered on television or sponsored by a big name brand company paying him to do the job. The main guy in this commercial is just an average guy who makes singing and commedy videos on youtube with his friends, and happened to make this clever commerical promoting his friend's newly created app for the iPhone called "hallo" which is an app that allows you to post voice messages anytime and anywhere onto your own "hallo acount page" where people can Follow and Friend you just like Facebook or Twitter. This commercial takes us through the ages, where at the beginning of time, all we had were stones and cave walls to communicate through, moving on to the piligrimage era where paper was invented, but all you could do was write a message on it and simply give it by hand. Then, it shows a scene where the same guy in the first two scenes is now at war, trying to get a hold of his family back home through what seems like a wire and button, and a couple decades go by and now a new and improved fax machine is invented, allowing one to send a message through that. Next, came the hidden message code where one would create a series of numers corilating with letters to send a secret message to whomever they choose.  Then came the invention of texting, where with one click of a button your message would be sent 1000 miles away almost instantaneously. But finally, the best new invetion out there is not text text messaging, but voice messaging, where the guy on the screen can tell his girlfriend "i love you" even where they are 50 or somewhat miles awayfrom one another in a huge city. This storyline shows us how the way of communicating with one another has evolved over the centuries, with the hallo app being the newest invention of this era. The target audience for this advertisement is definitely teenagers and young adults who are msot associated with the social media today. It is more specifically geared towards couples where they could send their loved ones a simple voice message that could make all the world's difference. This commercial uses the common advertising technique Gestalt, leaving us guessing what this commercial was really trying to advertise until the end, when the name of the product popped up on screen with bold blue letters that stood out from the white background. The music is very prominent, as that is only heard throughout the commerical except the words "i love you" where spoken. This was intentional because it was trying to get the point across that communication from long distances has never been able to send a voice text message instantly until the hallo app was invented. It also used the Avante Garde technique, giving the impression that you are ahead of the times if you use this product. It also uses the appeal of need to achieve, where as once before you couldn't instantly send a voice recording, but now with this new product the difficult task can be accomplished. This commerical also uses the appeal of satisfying phisological needs, making the concept of sending a voice recording a wanted desire like sleeping or eating. Overall, I thought this was a clever way to promote this product and an interesting commerical to watch. I applaud them for their hard work. 

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