Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Media Log #8- Volkswagen Commercial 5/22/12

The target audience for this Volkswagen Commercial is middle to upperclass adults going through a mid-life crisis and are in need of a brand new "change for the better" in their life. This mainly targets upper class folks because as you see in the commerical, the house is pretty fancy, not to mention HUGE compared to the average middle class house. And most people don't have that big of a backyard with a gigantic pool to add to it unless you have a little extra money in your pockets. This whole commerical is emphasizing the improvement that was made to the new edition of Volkswagen automobiles, as well as the transformation it has made from the older, boring version to the new, better version. It uses the advertisment technique of Wit and Humor because it isn't common to see a dog worrying about thier weight and wanting to work out to become what it may have looked like a couple years ago. The funny aspect of it is that many middle-aged adults can relate to the dilemma the dog is currently going through, as many strive to look like how they looked 20 years ago. It may also be Simple Solutions because it is trying to say "if you buy a Volkswagen, you can solve your problem of being old and outdated because now you have this new shiny red toy to show off." This fufills the physiological needs for a person to feel younger by buying this new and improved volkswagen. This commercial isn't really trying to sell their product directly as catch people's attention with the humorous clip of a dog working out, then after watching they laugh and associate the funny commercial to the Volkswagen company, making that person want to buy one. Overall, I thought this commercial was hilarious and funny to watch, and has definitely had a lasting impression on me.

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