Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Media Log #6- Clearasil 5/15/2012

I was flipping through one of my old Seventeen Magazines when I came across this advertisement for Clearasil, which is an acne wash claiming the results gives you perfectly clear skin. The target audience for this ad is geared towards teenage girls struggling with acne, being this was found in a magazine mainly read by girls. This advertisement is filled with Weasel Words all over the page saying "Visibly clearer skin in as little as 12 hours" and "You want clear skin fast" and finally even the name "Clearasil Ultra Rapid Face Wash." The words visibly and clearer are very vauge terms which could mean possibly anything, they are just thrown in there to make the product sound better than it actually is. Again, is the second passage, clear and fast are also very vague and most of the time are are not true. I myself struggles from problematic acne and knows from experience that it takes time for most, not even all of the acne to clear up. Even the name they went a bit overboard with the Weasel Words to glam up the product using Ultra Rapid. Again, very vague terms and they made an attempt to use the "bigger, better, faster" effect to make it sound like their product is the best. This advertisement uses the basic appeal of need for affiliation, targeting teens who are insecure about their skin and want to belong with the rest of the group and achieve perfectly clear skin. Leading to the next appeal which is need to achieve. Every girl wants to achieve the impossible and get clear skin to be like everyone else and hide their insecurities. This advertisement makes a big assumption that clear skin is good, and everyone wants clear skin, especially teen girls struggling with acne. Also, the picture of the young woman in the advertisement with perfectly clear skin was probably added in so girls can look and believe that since that girl used Clearasil, she has beatifully clear skin... I want to be like her so I and going to purchase Clearasil! This advertisement is totally unbelieveable and did not sell me at all. Please do a better job next time Clearasil and tell it like it is. 

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